Yoga & Strength
Marc Sabin practices and teaches Taijiquan and Push Hands as a body/mind/spiritual practice. Before focusing on Taiji, Marc earned two black belts, and was awarded an advanced degree in Filipino martial arts. He is a long-time practitioner of Vipassana meditation. His research into the spiritual underpinnings of Taiji guide Marc’s teaching. The depths and intricacies of the art arise from his understanding of the principles and applications. Marc studied with several extraordinary teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Marc continues to share his love of Taiji and its profound implications for enhancing human relationships and conflict resolution. Taiji is one method for expanding personal freedom. He emphasizes his instruction on training students to fully embrace the power of their natural “Right to Be.” Marc has recently published the Second Edition of his book, “The Tao of Peace.” It is available on Amazon.